yet another puppy base
1 Standing Sketchy Puppy Wolf Base
You May (With Credit!):
- use for adopts/adoptables/gachas
- use for any personal use
- use for references
- use for design commissions or commissions that are just "coloring in" for someone else
- modify the lineart in a minor way (replacing a fur, editing the eye, expression, etc.) just be sure to credit your edits respectively!
You May NOT!:
- erase, remove, or even move my watermark. Just leave it as is!
- use for anything other than design or coloring commissions (it violates my copyright usage)
- re-upload the lineart for free, or redistribute it in any way
- trace the linework. if you want the lineart thicker, duplicate the lineart layer a few times.
1.87 MB
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